Forecast Weather conditions:

Medford, New Jersey, area weather forecast to March 22nd. is to be above average until the 21st. when it will fall to near or below the average for the time of year. Generally dry after a wet 16-17th. and possible rain on the 20th.

Recipients contact 'phone:
A current, functioning, recipient's telephone number is required, other than for a funeral at a place of worship or funeral home. Failure to provide such a number may well delay delivery of your gift. For more delivery information, including terms & conditions, see below and visit our Delivery Areas & Funeral Homes page, accessed from the top of each page.
We are available for on-line/website ( & ) orders, 'phone orders ( 609 654 8338 ) and in-store shopping and consultations. Floral designs are made to order as this is best for the health of floral designs. Pre-ordering flowers for pick-up by 'phone on 609 654 8338 or from our websites or is recommended.

Floral product and design:
We source flora from around the world and continue to be impacted by the seemingly ever changing global supply chains, weather conditions, all of which have 
caused erratic and at times problematic supply conditions. Therefore, our product range has been narrowed and the availability of any given item referenced on our website remains subject to change for reasons often beyond our control as well as seasonality. Substitutions of flora and/or color may occur as necessary. That written, we have a continually changing selection of fresh-cut flora - several not pictured on here -  often as the seasons evolve. The mid April-mid October period, for example, offers us the opportunity to source some locally grown, organic, flora.

- For residental fresh-cut floral deliveries, when temperatures are 35F or below, actual or forecast, for fresh-cut flowers, we will 'phone the recipient prior to the delivery to determine when someone will be at the delivery address to accept delivery
. In the case of plant deliveries, the minimum temperature varies depending upon the plant. If there is no answer to our 'phone call, where feasible, we will leave a voice-mail asking the recipient to call us back. We must have a current, functioning, 'phone number for the recipient - no number/wrong one/message box not set-up or full may result in a delayed delivery. If delivery is for a minor, the 'phone number of a supervising adult is required;
- If delivery is to a gated community or a property with a gate/requires a party other than our delivery driver to access a property, kindly provide any necessary information to allow us to make the delivery onto the property. Failure to do so may well cause a delayed delivery and have knock-on repercussions for other customers;
- Elderly care establishments, schools, hospital/health care facility deliveries & those to a business, will be in conjunction to their practices. Hospitals never allow fresh flowers nor plants into Intensive Care. For delivery to a school or business, you are asked to provide their opening and closing times and the time the recipient is on the delivery premises;
- Deliveries to funeral homes and places of worship are made in conjunction to their requirements. Funeral homes require floral deliveries a few hours before services begin with morning service items invariably required the previous day;
- There will be no delivery confirmation in the form of the recipient's signed acknowledgement of receipt unless you specifically ask for it; and
- The delivery charge is for a one-time delivery location visit. Deliveries requiring the use of un-made/un-paved roads may incur an additional charge and NJ tax.

The towns we deliver to are Medford & Medford Lakes (08055); Marlton/Evesham (08053); Mount Laurel (08054); Lumberton (08048); Hainesport (08036); Southampton/Vincentown, Shamong/Indian Mills & Tabernacle (all 08088). Note that we do NOT deliver to Chatsworth/Woodland township (08019).

Orders for pick-up:
Orders for pick-up need to be collected during opening hours or, only if previously arranged, at a given time outside of opening times. Any order not collected will be charged to your payment card, regardless of the reason for the non-collection/pick-up. Floral arrangements not collected are not re-used as they are made for you and thus the charge: we have spent the time and labor making the design and used flora, cut to required lengths & requirements for your piece.

Making Payment with either a Credit or Debit Card:
- we ask for information including card #, expiration date, security code and the full address your card issuer has in their records for your card. This is for the card holders security. Any information you provide us for the card processing not in in agreement with what the card issuer has on their record ( and which the card holder provided them ), will result in a declined payment. We will pursue any such declines to the fullest extent. You may receive additional charges your card issuer imposes upon us as a result of a decline based incorrect information you provided when placing the order.

Animal Welfare with Flora:
- the majority of flora is safe for common household pets. However, some flora can cause health problems for different animals. If the recipient/household has animals, we recommend that you inform us when ordering - if ordering online, under designer information mention the type(s) of pet(s). Do remember that even flora deemed safe for a given animal may, if consumed in sufficient quantity, cause health problems for them, just as if humans over-indulge in a food.

Do remember:
- All flowers, foliage and berries are for decorative purposes. Some flowers and plants can be harmful to humans if consumed;
- Please take care when positioning your floral display as leakages and dampness from the water source may cause damage to surfaces. We recommend placing the vase or container onto a protective mat;
- Almost all flora enjoys a humid environment and, all else being equal, last longer than if kept in a dry atmosphere;
- Remove all stamen from flowers as they open to avoid the risk of staining the flora and, if touched, yourself and clothing or others;
- Flower food and contents of a floral container should never be consumed;
- Fresh water holds more oxygen than old or stagnant water. Oxygen is as important to flowers as it is to us. Always follow the provided care information for floral designs from us - the more you follow the information, the longer the flora will last; and
- Avoid proximity to fruit as this naturally produces ethylene - apples and bananas being common culprits - as it ripens and the odorless gas will shorten the vase life of your flowers. This is a reason to not purchase flowers from a supermarket as many such locations keep flowers by fresh fruit.
By placing an order with Medford Florist you accept the policies on this page and elsewhere on this website. If you have any questions, kindly 'phone us at 609 654 8338 prior to ordering.
We thank you for reading this. Stay safe & happy and, as the father of French Impressionism, Claude Monet, the painter, is often quoted as having said "I must have flowers, always and always."